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Welcome to 7th grade and the 2024-25 school year! We look forward to working together to help your child be successful at Mechanicsburg Middle School.
The following rules and guidelines have been set by team teachers to help our students be successful at MMS. These rules and guidelines are in conjunction with the policies set forth by the Mechanicsburg Middle School and the Mechanicsburg Area School District.
Team teachers are dedicated to making sure that students have a productive and safe learning environment. As 7th grade students, you will help us maintain this type of learning environment by following these expectations.
7th Grade Expectations
-Be on time for all classes.
Well-Managed Classroom
Team teachers work together, and believe in doing the right thing. Students may receive a disciplinary referral for infractions of classroom rules, behavior that violates the rights of other students to learn, or behavior that violates the rights of a teacher to teach. The team uses the “Ask, Tell, Out” strategy to give students time to redirect negative behaviors before receiving a consequence.
Restroom Use and Passes
Trips to the water fountain or locker should occur between classes, not during class time. Restroom use is not permitted between classes. Students must follow the MMS school procedures with E-Hall Pass so that students are accounted for at all times during the day.
Period 9 and WIN (What I Need)
- After visiting your locker to obtain all necessary materials, go to your WIN period quietly and find your seat.
- If you need to see a teacher, use E-Hallpass.
- Fast Pass the following: restroom, drink, locker, hallway core teacher.
- Work silently and independently on your assignments.
- All study halls are silent unless given permission to work together with whisper voices.
- Work on constructive activities only.
- Use this time to get your work done or relax with a book.
Tardy Policy
Students need to report to class on time. To address students that are tardy to class, the 7th grade teachers have adopted the following policy:
Late Work Policy
All work is due on the assigned due date. Late assignments will be accepted after the due date up through five school days past the assigned due date with a loss of 10% of the grade each day the assignment is late. After five school days, assignments may no longer be submitted for credit.
Larger assignments (such as Performance Tasks or tests) may be turned in for up to 50% credit up through two weeks prior to the end of the marking period based on teacher discretion.
Academic Standing
Attending school assemblies, pep rallies, and team rewards is a privilege, not a right. Teachers may restrict students from attending these functions if they are not meeting academic standards.
Thank you for reviewing the 7th Grade Policies. We look forward to another great year with our students at MMS!